How to Install libspectrum8 in Ubuntu 18.04

Install libspectrum8 by entering the following commands in the terminal:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install libspectrum8


ZX Spectrum emulator library - Shared libraries

libspectrum is a fairly simple library designed to make the handling of various ZX Spectrum emulator-related file formats easy. . So far it handles: * Snapshots: .z80, .szx, .sna (all read/write), .zxs, .sp., .snp and +D snapshots (read only). * Tape images: .tzx, .tap, .spc, .sta and .ltp (read/write) and .pzx, Warajevo .tap, Z80Em and CSW version 1 (read only). * Input recordings: .rzx (read/write). * Disk images: .dsk (both plain and extended), .d40, .d80, .fdi, .img, .mgt, .opd, .sad, .scl, .td0, .trd and .udi (identification only). * Timex cartridges: .dck (read only). * IDE hard disk images: .hdf (read/write). * Microdrive cartridge images: .mdr (read/write). . This package contains the shared libraries.


Version: 1.4.1-1

Section: universe/libs