Install libscalar-properties-perl by entering the following commands in the terminal:
sudo apt update sudo apt install libscalar-properties-perl
perl module to add run-time properties on scalar variables
Scalar::Properties attempts to make Perl more object-oriented by taking an idea from Ruby: Everything you manipulate is an object, and the results of those manipulations are objects themselves. . 'hello world'->length (-1234)->abs "oh my god, it's full of properties"->index('g') . The first example asks a string to calculate its length. The second example asks a number to calculate its absolute value. And the third example asks a string to find the index of the letter 'g'. . Using this module you can have run-time properties on initialized scalar variables and literal values. The word 'properties' is used in the Perl 6 sense: out-of-band data, little sticky notes that are attached to the value. While attributes (as in Perl 5's attribute pragma, and see the Attribute::* family of modules) are handled at compile-time, properties are handled at run-time.
Version: 1.100860-1
Section: universe/perl