Install libpirl-java by entering the following commands in the terminal:
sudo apt update sudo apt install libpirl-java
PIRL Java Packages
Conductor: An application to manage procedure pipelines with classes to resolve references to parameters (as are used in Configuration objects) and Database fields, asynchronous thread logging of streams, and utility applications to exercise the mathematical expression evaluator (JCM) and send email notification messages to a list of recipients. The Conductor application requires (as of Java 1.4) a patch to the Process class implementation. This is provided separately in the Process.patch tarball. A sample pipeline kit for processing MOC images with the ISIS software is in the moclevall-kit tarball. . Configuration: An extension of the PVL.Parameter class for convenient management of configuration parameters. . Database: A simplified interface for access to, and basic management of, relational SQL databases. An example database query tool is included. . Image_Tools: Classes for obtaining metadata information from JP2 files, plus an ImageInputStream implementation for access to files remotely via an HTTP server. . PVL: The PIRL Parameter Value Language package provides for the input, output and manipulation of generic parameters and their data values. A PVL_to_DB class is provided to map PVL Parameter Values into Database fields for update or insert operations. . Strings: Character string manipulation capabilities used by the other PIRL packages. . Utilities: Miscellaneous utilities classes that handle various helpful operations not easily classified into the classes of other packages. . Viewers: Classes for common capabilies associated with GUI viewers, plus GUI viewers associated with other PIRL packages.
Version: 2.3.8-2
Section: universe/java