How to Install confclerk in Ubuntu 18.04

Install confclerk by entering the following commands in the terminal:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install confclerk


offline conference schedule application

ConfClerk is an application written in Qt, which makes conference schedules available offline. It displays the conference schedule from various views, support searches on various items (speaker, speech topic, location, etc.) and enables you to select favorite events and create your own schedule. . At the moment ConfClerk is able to import schedules in XML format created by the PentaBarf conference management system (or frab) used by e.g. FOSDEM, DebConf, FrOSCon, Grazer LinuxTage, and the CCC congresses. . ConfClerk is targeted at mobile devices but works on any system running Qt.


Version: 0.6.4-1

Section: universe/utils